Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Additions to our Webstore  


We're excited to announce that our new webstore now has account management capabilities. The new easy to use additions allow customers to view current and previous invoices, orders, account statements and payment history. Here are the specifics:

View Invoices

  • Provide customers with the ability to view previous invoices with the following criteria: Beginning Date, Ending Date, All Invoices or Open Invoices.
    Provide customers with the following information in their invoice screen: Invoice #, Invoice Date, Invoice Amount, Open or Paid. 
  • Upon clicking an invoice line, provide customers with detailed invoice information.
  • Provide customers with the option to print the invoice and/or optionally select multiple invoices to be viewed/printed at one time.
  • Allow customers to search invoice information to find an invoice.

View Orders

  • Provide customers with the ability to view previous orders with the following criteria: Beginning Date, Ending Date, All Orders or Open orders. 
  • Provide customers with the following information in their order screen: Order #, Order Date, Order Amount, Open or Paid. 
  • Upon clicking an order line, provide customers with detailed order information. Provide customers with the option to print the order and/or optionally select multiple orders to be viewed/printed at one time.
  • Allow customers to search order information to find an order.

Account Statements 
  • Provide customers with the ability to view previous invoices with the following criteria: Invoice Date, Due Date, Invoice #, Invoice Type, PO #, Current, 30-Day, 60-Day, 90-Day or Over 90.
  • Upon clicking an invoice line, provide customers with detailed invoice information.
  • Provide customers with the option to print the invoice and/or optionally select multiple invoices to be viewed/printed at one time.
  • Allow customers to search statement information to find information on the statement.

Payment History 
  • Allow customers to view all cash receipts in Prophet 21 based on a user-specified date range.
  • Provide customers with the following information in their payment history screen: $ amount paid, which invoices the $ amount was applied to and date of payment.

What next?

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