Friday, September 2, 2011

SEER vs. EER  


Do you know the difference between ‘SEER’ and ‘EER’ ratings? If so, do you know how to explain this difference to your customers? Do you know which is the better ranking to use in different situations and why it matters?

What’s SEER?

SEER: Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio

The most common measurement used to rank the efficiency of a central air conditioner, SEER is   the certified AHRI rating for a residential product 65,000 BTUH and under. SEER ratings are determined in “moderate temperatures,” 82 degrees or below.

What’s EER?

EER: Energy Efficiency Ratio

It’s the AHRI certified rating for commercial equipment with capacity greater than 65,000 BTUH. EER is a hot weather snapshot of efficiency taken at the same conditions as AHRI Listed Capacity, 95 degrees or hotter.

How can you explain SEER vs. EER ratings to your customers?

Start by using buzzwords like ‘Energy Star,’ which designates equipment that ranks in the top 25% of efficiency. Then explain that while SEER is more commonly known, both SEER and EER ratings are considered in Energy Star calculations. The difference being that SEER is a rating of efficiency at moderate temps and EER is a rating of efficiency at extreme temps.

Which ranking is better to use?

The EER rating is truly the most effective way to measure the efficiency of a central air conditioner. When do homeowners care more about their air conditioners, when it’s 75 degrees or when it’s 100 degrees outside? If you answered 100 degrees (which is what most people answer) then your customers are better off getting a central air conditioner with a high EER rating.

Why does it matter?

Besides saving homeowners energy (and money on utility bills) when they need it most, equipment with a higher EER rating tends to be more expensive, so you can upgrade your sale simply by having the SEER vs. EER conversation with your customer.

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